The objective of this project was to produce a button that captured a characteristic or persaonlity trait of our client. In this case, we decided to create our button based on our CPSC581 professor, Sydney Pratte!
To develop this button, we needed to first understand our client. Already knowing about her love of her dogs, we decided to dig deeper and found out the following:
To capture the various aspects of our client, we all went and drafted several sketches that played on aspects of her that we had found in our interviews. Some of mine are listed below.
We eventually settled on representing the dogs' relation with Sydney.
My ideas were to expand on that with yoga, either by having her in a yoga pose that was interactive, or representing the "pulse" of yoga with glowing representing breathing in the background.
The other group members devised the following sketches:
Dennis' sketches
Jacky's sketches
Robert's sketches
As this was a group project, we spoke extensively about varying interpretations of the button. Most of these ideas centered around Syndey's love for her dogs and yoga. And so we sought ways to represent that relationship. After reviewing several ideas, we settled on one that symbolized both how her dogs were omnipresent in her life, as well as the sybmolic nature of yoga to calm. To do this, we had a heart symbolize Sydney and had her dogs orbit around her. Upon clicking the button, Sydney would enter a meditative stance from attempting to do yoga. Her dogs would slow down and close in on her, not allowing her to do yoga undisturbed.
To achieve the desired effect, we needed smooth orbits that slowed down and grew and shrank according to user input, but we discovered this to be mroe difficult than we expected. I worked on smoothing out the shrinking orbits, in addition to centering them.